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Meat Protein affects Proper Digestion in Body

Natures Drugstore

For the proper digestion of protein, especially animal protein, calcium is necessary. When we eat meat, as we don’t eat bones like most of the animals, there will be depletion of calcium in our body, because whatever calcium was there in our body would have been used by it during digestion of animal proteins. When we eat meat in excess, just for the taste of it, even though we get extra protein, calcium deficiency occurs in our body. And even if we take enough calcium, it will be assimilated by the body only in the presence of vitamin ‘D’. The best and easy source of vitamin’D’ is sunlight. As we don’t stay in the sunlight now a days, because we have no time for it, we will not get enough of vitamin’D’ also. Therefore, it may please be seen that we should not take animal proteins, but can take plant proteins, for easy digestion and assimilation. After all our daily requirement of protein is only 30 grams.

A vegetarian requires only 3 acres of land in a year for his sustenance, whereas a non-vegetarian requires 6 acres of land for his sustenance.

We don’t require or require only very little of condiments, salts, oils, artificial colors and flavors, when we take vegetarian foods like fruits, greens or other vegetables. But in the case of non-vegetarian food, we require all these additives in larger quantities and without these things we will not be able to eat them. The more non-vegetarian foods we take the more artificial condiments we swallow. All these non-vegetarian food are mainly acidic in nature and because of this acidity, our body will lose the essential vitamins, minerals, salts and calcium.

There are proteins of different types. Vegetable proteins are very simple, which can be digested very easily and animal proteins are very concentrated and take very long time for digestion. Some of these are not at all digested in the human stomach and gets putrefied and leads to gastric trouble, stomach pain and ultimately peptic ulcer. Vegetable proteins will take only about 4 hours or less inside the human stomach for digestion, depending upon the method of cooking and condiments added. But the animal proteins like meat, chicken, egg etc. will take about 36 hours for digestion and in most of the cases proper digestion will not take place at all. The undigested protein will not be converted into amino acids but will cause harm to the internal organs.

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